
Color Me Floral.

Here is the something pretty I mentioned earlier! So I was flipping through the most recent Glamour while at work, and my eye was caught by these pretty florals:

Just in case you can't read what it says: "The technical term for these looks is chinoiserie, which is a fashion-y way of saying 'Asian-inspired...'". Now normally Asian silks aren't really my cup of tea, but I was hooked when I saw that dress on the left.

First of all, long-sleeved, flowy gowns are some of my favorite things in the world. Second of all, that color combination is also one of my favorites. It's funny, actually, because we're planning on painting the main room in our apartment (it's currently a stark white) and the plum color of that sash is not far from the color we want to paint. And gold/teals and greens will be our accent colors. So now we have one more item to bring in to Home Depot as a color swatch, along with one of my rings (which turns our desired color when held up to the light just so), a glass bowl from Anthropologie, and a random picture I have saved to my desktop. They're going to hate us. Anyway, this is all beside the point. When I saw this page I was looking less at the florals that were actually pictured and more at the florals they inspired in my mind, and my immediate thought was "pants". Or rather, "shorts". And I remembered that I have floral remnant fabric that has been waiting for just such a project! I currently have a dress in the works out of the same fabric(I should mention that by "in the works" I mean "started it a year ago and have yet to finish") and I'm hoping that I have enough to make a pair of loose fitting shorts. To be completely honest, I don't think the fabric is really right for this style of short being that it's on the thicker/stretchy side and wrinkles easily (clearly). But I don't like tight shorts...conundrum...

Anyway, this is the fabric and I absolutely love it. Perhaps I'll try to do a pair of tighter fitting, high waisted shorts (if they're high waisted, I don't mind tightness) since I already have a pattern I made back in October. Until I can squeeze some time out of my schedule, I'll just dream of wearing these in the warmer weather with a pair of sandals and a flowy, sheer top. 

Before I sign off, I need to vent right quick. I've been noticing a pattern emerging over the past few years. Ever since starting college, I've noticed fewer and fewer teachers enforcing the "raise your hand to speak" rule, and I've noticed even more students disregard it completely. And yet the majority of my professors require class participation. When your classes are made up of 100+ students, then this means the teacher needs to take written notes of who participates in order to allot the necessary grades. But if they don't enforce hand raising, and students don't care to uphold that basic courtesy, then how the frick do professors expect to remember? Take a mental note? With 400+ students altogether, that is not possible. And what about those of us who have maintained our manners and find it rude to shout out in class, knowing full well that somebody else might raise their hand wanting to speak? I always raise my hand and am beat out time and again by students who don't wait their turn. I find this annoying and unfair. I probably sound like a tight ass right now, but the student to teacher ratio is incredibly high on my campus, which means basic organizational tenets should be upheld to ensure that students still get a fair amount of face time/class participation time. That's basically all I have to say on the matter. If there are any teachers reading this, please make sure to enforce hand-raising. It's only fair to those students who are just as intelligent as the shouters but prefer to be well mannered. If there are any shouters reading this, cut the shit. Thank you.


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