
Daily Threads.

Here's a quick outfit post of what I wore today on my Mission adventure. An adventure that was highly successful, I might add. More on that tomorrow, however, as it is late and I literally got no sleep last night. I know people say that, like as an expression, but I am fo' real this time. I laid in bed for 7 hours, completely sleepless. And while I did have some epiphanies and random philosophical thoughts (random because I don't know what prompted them, not random because I don't usually philosophize to myself. Because I do.) it wasn't enough to make up for the fact that I was awake at 3:50 am to hear my upstairs neighbor either whacking off in his bathtub, or scrubbing it. Either way, what the hell are you doing up at 3:50 in the morning hanging out in your bathtub? These people just get weirder and weirder, I tell you. Anyway! Here are the pictures:

Clearly I'm channeling my inner cowboy in this particular shot. 

And here I'm going for a gangster look. Successfully, I think.
Wearing: Audrey 3+1 dress as a top. Target jeggings. Thrifted blazer. BCBGeneration boots. I know I've said it before but I am wearing these bad boys to death. They're always on my feet. Only today I forgot to put socks on so I had no extra cushion for my feet. After 6 hours of walking, they're a little...how should I say this...well, they're writhing in agony. These boots contain no padding of their own. My right big toe is refusing to speak with me so I don't know if it's condition has improved. I'll keep you all posted.

Tomorrow I'll post pictures from my adventure, my thrifting finds (so. excited), my fabric store finds (even more excited), a food review, and I'll also be adding quite a few photos to my photography page. All of that will be tomorrow evening when I'm home from work. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday. This week flew right by me. I hope it was good to you all. Until tomorrow, toodles!


1 comment:

  1. Ah. I see my jeggings query has been answered. You're a fan.
    Can a thirty something stay at home mom rock them or not? I think I'm gonna have to go check out a pair...
