

I love it. Well that and all baked goods. Anyhow, I've come across a new favorite food blog! She's a baker and her blog is dripping with cakes, cupcakes, cream puffs, and all other treats classified as "pastry". Check it out: The Scootabaker.

Speaking of baked goods, I attempted the rice crackers, and I'd say all in all they were a success. I want to make them again, though, so that I continue perfecting them into something that I would not only make for myself, but buy from the store.

Speaking of the store, I get paid today! I've managed to make that last $2.88 stretch across a few days. On Wednesday, a coworker of mine asked if I wanted to pick up any hours on Thursday. I quickly agreed but then remembered that while I would have enough to make it to work, I wouldn't be able to get back. Yes this is the second time this has happened to me. So he gave me $5 to cover his shift! Sick! Except now I'm in the pickle all over again because while I have enough to make it to work to pick up my check, I won't have enough to get back. Which means I'll have to do what I did last time: deposit my check in the Bank of America ATM on the USF campus, take it all back out in cash, break one of the 20's for bus money, and then deposit it all in the Patelco ATM on my campus. THEN, and only then, do I get to go grocery shopping. And I'm dreading my check because I'm afraid to see how little it will be for considering how much I've had to call in lately. So you see why I'm still sitting on my couch in my pajamas eating a bag of carrots. That and I got over 12 hours of sleep which only makes me more tired than I was to begin with. I'm a bum. And I'm currently occupying my time by looking over the City College class catalog (again) drooling over all the classes. And I'm throwing myself into another mini panic thinking about all the classes that I want to take and how I'm going to fit them all, plus a job, into the next I don't even know how many semesters and what's after that? I want to finish my degree although what it's in will most likely change after my creative adventure, and I don't think I want to finish it at State. So where else would I like to go? If I'm planing on moving to SoCal eventually, should I be looking at schools down there? Or are California schools a lost cause at this point? Maybe I should consider my out of state options. And all of this depends, of course, on what I decide I want to pursue degree wise, which drops me back at square one. You see, however much I have embraced this new live-for-today mindset/lifestyle, I'm still a planner through and through. I always will be. Yes I have relaxed an astronomical amount, but I still like to know my general direction, even if it ends up changing along the way. Welcome, folks, to my stream of consciousness. It can be rather dizzying when I really get going. Anyway, I was about to list some of the classes I just came across that I hadn't listed before but A) I'm not done looking, and B) It's a really, really, really long list.


Oh and PS the potential cool news never happened soooo...my b!

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