
Not Moving.

Updates! Alright so it's looking like I am not, in fact, moving. It turns out that the evil overlords of our apartment complex were screwing us big time. Roomie's dad is a bossy boss, went to the city rent control office, and got the real story on our lease and what is and is not kosher. So NOW I am in the process of once again finding two new roommates to fill out the second room. The ad has been posted to Craigslist, so now we wait. The thing that has me the most stressed is the time constraint. I have plans to go to Chico next week and I won't be able to go unless all of this mess is squared away. If you're reading this, Roommate Stork, please deliver to me two awesome roommates who are just like me. *Side note: I just pictured what it would be like to have a bunch of Laurens wandering around my apartment. Both awesome and terrifying.*

In the meantime I am at my parent's house again. My dad was in the city on Saturday on bike business (his hobby is restoring and riding bikes. He's quite an enthusiast) and we went out to lunch at Squat & Gobble. Who doesn't like a cheesy crepe? Anyway, it was an impromptu decision to come back with him and I'm glad I did because I got to hang out with Chelsea all day yesterday! All of this back and forth has also meant that I haven't had to grocery shop in about a century, which is saving me skrillaz. Which I then went and spent at Marshalls yesterday. And it felt good. You see, Chelsea's little brother is graduating high school on Friday. And Sunday was his Baccalaureate. Which is held in a church and I didn't have anything appropriate to wear. Golly, I guess that means I had to go shopping! So off to Marshalls I went under the pretense that I needed to buy some kitchen appliances (which I did. Kinda) and I came away with a beautiful chiffon maxi dress and some bitchin Miss Sixty heels, the likes of which I've been wanting for quite some time. (PS. My run on sentences are giving Proust a run for his money). The shoes only cost me $20! At that point you're an idiot to leave them behind. The dress was also around $20 and it's so versatile and just so me. I'm in love. Chelsea's parents were taking pictures so I might be able to hunt one down and show you all the ensemble.

But I guess I should have entitled this post "Not Moving. Yet.", because lately I've been having thoughts about moving. I know I've mentioned that before, and more specifically I mentioned SoCal. But the approaching summer (even though it's June, I'm still saying "approaching" since this cloudy, cold, rainy weather is BS!) and talk of graduation and making plans to see friends has me thinking back to carefree, high school summers. And high school in general. I miss having my best friends with me every day. I miss the times when you didn't have to make plans to see each other because you were all going to the same place anyway. I miss having three whole months to do whatever you wanted with whoever you wanted. And I never thought I'd hear myself say these things. I was so ready to get out of high school and away from this town and the people in it. I was excited by the chance to strike out on my own. But the fact is, I've been like that my entire life. I've been "on my own". I've always been independent and prepared for change at any moment. I adjust very quickly to new situations and I'm usually excited by the prospect of my world being upside down for awhile. I thrive on that kind of thing. But I can't deny it any longer: I miss my friends and I don't understand why it's an unwritten requirement that we move away from the people we love when it's time for college. Of course I see the value in it. You learn a lot about yourself when you're forced to meet new people and open up to new groups and kinds of thought. But if we have people in our lives who make us happy, and make us better, and we're miserable when we're away from them, why do we ever leave? The thing is, I'm content with my solitude. I've always been that way. I'm used to being alone and a lot of the time I prefer it. The downside to this is that I'm not highly motivated to go out and meet new people. I love meeting new people. I want new people in my life, and new experiences. I'm just not motivated to make it happen. I'm not happy this way, not in the best sense of the word. But I'm content and functional. I'm tired of just being functional. The people in my life who make me happy, and make me better, have been in my life for years and years. So yes, maybe I'm more dependent on them than I would have liked to admit a few years ago. But I can admit it now. I'm much more outgoing and active when I'm with those people. I want that back. And this has me thinking pretty seriously about the possibility of moving to Chico. Not permanently, but maybe for a year. SoCal is still on the table as well, but moving there with friends would be even better. I want somewhere warm and somewhere with people I love. At this point in my life and my education, I'm pretty free to roam. Since I'm no longer attending a four year university, and won't be for awhile, I have some room to move around and adventure. So why not Chico for awhile? Why not SoCal? Yeah it'll be awhile before this move happens. But awhile can go by in the blink of an eye.


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