
Once Again...

...let me apologize for not having the recipes posted in a timely manner! Between Alexa's midterms and my empty bank account, it has been difficult to stay perfectly on schedule. Why should being broke affect my cooking? Because until today, I hadn't grocery shopped in about two weeks. That's why.  I can say that I did try a new recipe today (candied lemon and orange peels) and that I'm thinking I'll use that for last week's recipe. But I'll have to do that tomorrow because while it's a simple recipe, they do take me quite some time to write out. Plus I don't know what to do with them. Or how to store them. Or if they even need to be stored. I didn't get that far. So as of right now I have two plates of candied citrus peel kickin' it on my kitchen counter.

Today I spent the day sleeping in until 11 (which, sadly, isn't as satisfying as it was when I was in highschool), making a trip to Trader Joes, buying more weight than I can realistically carry, walking back to my apartment while trying to keep my produce and almond cookies from falling out of my ridiculously large canvas bag, candying peels, and discovering an overwhelming amount of beautiful music. It was a slow day, but it felt somewhat productive. I love being in the kitchen, and the more I'm in there, the more I love it. I should clarify. I love cooking in the kitchen. Cleaning the kitchen is not quite as meditative as cooking. But after spending $60 on groceries today, which is quite a bit more than I usually spend, I decided that if I'm going to spend money I'm going to spend it on food. If cooking makes me happy, and since I need to eat, then my money is better spent on food than it is on a pair of heels I'll only wear a few times. I suddenly just remembered that I need to do laundry. My clean underwear is at a critically low level...I digress. As I was saying, as long as I eat all the food I buy and waste as little as possible AND only buy food that I have a specific plan for, then I am okay with this new budget of mine.

In other news, the roommate search is going off without a hitch! Like gangbusters! I was about to list a third lil' cliche but none came to mind. Anyway, we posted the ad today and already got like 15 responses so shit just got real. It's kind of nerve wracking looking for new roommates. Living with someone is completely different from being their friend or acquaintance. But it's exciting, too, and I think we may have already found at least one person who fits the bill. I'll keep you updated! And with that I need to go get ready for bed. It's hump day tomorrow, hooray!


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