

This wonderful tradition is not something I get to take part in all that much anymore. The mornings that I work don't leave enough time for me to eat before leaving, and now my body has gotten used to waiting until lunch. That means that on days that I don't work, like today, I'm generally not hungry when I wake up. But today was different. Today was going to be glorious. I woke up (at 7:30, since my mom seems to have a sixth sense for when I'm trying to sleep in and promptly texts me) hungry and imagining what delights I could fill my belly with on this fine, beautiful, sunny day. Alas, upon opening the fridge I was met head on by a stench so foul it almost made me lose my appetite. Imagine low tide. Rotten sea weed. Perhaps a dead fish. Now take that scent and mix it with stagnant, rotten, polluted lake water. Apparently that's what spinach smells like when it decomposes in the drawer of our fridge. I 409'd the shit out of our kitchen, hoping to cover the smell of death with the smell of toxic chemicals. So far it's doing the trick, but I might have to do a second layer of Febreeze Passionfruit in a little while.

Like I said, it almost made me lose my appetite. But I'm not easily deterred when I have soft boiled eggs on the brain. For anyone who has never had a soft boiled egg, please get on my level. They are amazing. It's essentially my perfect egg. Cooked whites with a creamy, gooey, salty yoke. Clearly I don't pay much attention to cholesterol. Last year when I was living in the dorms and had access to an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, I had two eggs every morning for breakfast. It's amazing that I haven't needed a triple bypass yet. Anyhow, the soft boiled egg is a tricky one to master. You have to get the timing down perfectly, and I spent many a morning last summer and fall experimenting. Five minutes and thirty seconds. Not a second more. Not a second less. If you don't cok it long enough, the whites will be runny, and let me tell you: there is absolutely nothing worse in this world than watery, runny whites that ruin your perfectly crafted, creamy yoke. "Lauren, what about world hunger? Genocide?" Nope. Runny whites. But I have a system down now that guarantees me the perfect soft boiled egg, and I just might share it with you all.

Along with my eggs I had some Greek yogurt and honey, and I mixed in some of my leftover blackberry compote. It was rather tasty. Although I will say that mixing in frozen fruit (mango chunks, for instance) is more my style. I like it cold. Anyhow, now that I have a free day and nowhere to go, I'm going to continue working on the dress, perhaps watch some more OC, and perhaps even do some of the exercises in my Fitness magazine. How lovely does that sound! Happy hump day all, I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!


PS Three more weeks until school is over. I'm too excited to add exclamation points (fun fact: when I was little I referred to those as "excited marks". Aptly named, if I do say so myself). This month is gonna go by so. Fast. Hell to the yes.

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