I have made my first pieces of jewelry! I am jazzed. Unfortunately the pictures I took of them are crap since I took them with my phone. I could wait until I get some decent pictures but...I don't want to. I'll take more at a later date, ones that really do these babies justice. But first, a little back story. A recent expedition to the beach had me picking up a few treasures from off the sand. I can't rightly say that I had to dig for these puppies. The gulls do all the hard work. I don't know for sure, but my theory is that they find and eat their mussels and leave the beach littered with the shells. Maybe it's the season, or perhaps it's the particular beach we were on, but you couldn't walk two inches without stepping on another shell. In retrospect I should have picked up a whole garbage bag's worth, but at the time I didn't have a project in mind for them so I only took three. Three. What in god's name is wrong with me? I'm a hoarder by nature. Yeah, I said it. Hoarder. And I only took 3 shells. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go back to the beach! Shucks. Anyway, here they are! Pendants. I don't have chains for them yet, not ones I like for them anyway. That'll be next.
I didn't take a picture of the third one because it's much smaller than the first two and my cell camera just couldn't pick up the details, so that one will have to come later.
I'm rather fond of these. I wore the white one at work today and it was quite the hit. One of my coworkers even wants one! How exciting is that! So I really REALLY need to go back to the beach. Damn! What terrible luck!
Making good use of the calendar wire, I see.
ReplyDeleteNow that I have two full bags of it I'd better make something with it. Either that or my roommate will strangle me with it while I sleep.