

Apparently our upstairs neighbors (the partiers and early morning masturbators) have turned their living room into a court of some kind. Not basketball, though, no. They are an edgy crowd that enjoys hybrid sports. This one is like extreme frisbee mixed with basketball mixed with golf. From what we can tell, it involves a lot of bouncing of said golf ball (don't be fooled by a golf ball's size. They make quite the ruckus). And chatter. A lot of incoherent yet persistent chatter. So it's a spectator sport. And once again, we are offended. Why weren't we invited! We enjoy Tuesday afternoon beer pong, and who doesn't relish the occasional 3 am bathtub self-pleasure sesh? And now this? The bastards.

Anyway, I am SORRY but the recipes are gonna have to be posted tomorrow. If I'm being completely honest, I'm exhausted. It's a good exhausted, as I spent the last few hours being stuffed to the point of uncomfortable bloating by my friend's cooking. But I'm exhausted nonetheless. Here's the upside: if I post tomorrow (which I will), I will have had a chance to get the pictures of my creations from my sister's phone.

The weather tomorrow is supposed to be a grand improvement from this morning's and I plan on spending the day enjoying the sun with a friend for a late birthday lunch. We're getting Ramen down by the ocean and I'm very much looking forward to it. So now you have even more updates to look forward to! You lucky ducks! Anyhow, congratulations on Monday coming to an end and I hope your Tuesday is magnificent. Splendiferous. Glorious.


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