This is the year that I will go to Outside Lands. I'm not sure why, but it feels like it's time. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Outside Lands is a massive weekend-long music festival in Golden Gate Park. People travel from all over to make it. Lucky for me I only have to travel a few city blocks. The tickets aren't cheap, however. They're like $200. Yes, that was the sound of my bank account breaking. It's actually not too bad, though, considering the festival isn't until August and if I start saving now I'll be fine. This is unlike me, as I'm usually not a fan of large music festivals inhabited primarily of rabble rousing hoodlums my age walking around in birkenstocks and tie-dye. But a coworker of mine brought it up at work the other day and for some reason all I could think was "I want to go". I hafta listen to that impulse, if only out of curiosity as to why now is the time. Part of it is the lineup. It's ridiculous. Lemme just name a few:
-The Black Keys (What? Yeah.)
-The Arctic Monkeys (I'm sorry, what? Yep.)
-Arcade Fire (Whoa, hold up, what? Yeah, I know.)
-MGMT (Okay, no way. But yes.)
-The Decemberists (My Dad will be supes jealous of this one. He's a fan.)
-Muse (Hold up...Yeah, it's for real.)
That's just a couple. And I am stoked. I'm confused, though, because a few of the bands I saw listed on my coworker's phone aren't listed on the Outside Lands website. And they were some of the bands that made me want to go in the first place. Like The Strokes, for instance, and I have been dying to see them live for centuries! Anyway, if you're interested in learning more about Outside Lands or seeing the rest of the lineup, here's the website.
There's a possibility that going to Outside Lands will be part of a birthday celebration for my bff Chelsea. You met her Disco Queen self here. So I'm mulling over the possibilities for birthday greatness. I don't want to say much here just in case she reads it, but she recently made me aware of the fact that she hardly ever reads my mundane musings. Whatever, Chelsea. I feel like she's my child, a child that I spent 27 hours in labor with to bring into this world and now she's a petulant teenager who spends her days pissing me off. The things we do for the people we love. It's not even worth it.
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