
I Love The Rain The Most...

When it stops. And when it does, I'm gonna be sporting some new shorts. But first let me share some pretties!

 I just wanna frolic through a field of hydrangeas! I took those pictures outside one of the houses in my neighborhood. The yellow bud is on the USF campus.

Okay now on to the thrifting finds:
On my first jaunt to Thrift Town in the Mission, I didn't really have anything in particular in mind. Which, I would add, I hate doing. Shopping aimlessly is not my favorite thing in the world. But I mainly went to check it out since I've wanted to for a year now. When I thrift, I usually start with dresses. This time I pulled three off the various racks within 10 minutes, and when I looked down I realized they were all velvet. Two of them were the same shade of green. And while I was tempted (oh you don't know how much), I put them all back. My body is flushed with spring fever, and even though I say every day that I need warmer clothes, I simply can't shop for them as it would wake me from my spring time dreaming. After putting the dresses back and wandeering over toward the pants, I noticed a rack labeled "Stretch Waist Pants". That's right guys. Not only does Thrift Town sell stretch waist pants, it has enough for an entire rack. A long, fully packed rack. Suddenly I was overcome with ideas. Shorts! I started filtering through the bizarre denim hybrid mom jeans looking for silky and flowy stretch waisted goodness. And let me just tell you, it was a success. I came away with a beautiful coral pair, and a silvery-gray pair.

 Some closeups of the color:

So I'm thinking this will be super simple. It's a matter of cutting them off, hemming them, and hoping they don't look completely demented when I'm finished! This is the trouble with this kind of DIY. You get one shot. I love the coral ones especially and I'm pretty sure they're the only ones left on the planet. Which means I cannot mess them up. The coral ones present another complication: they don't have a drawstring and they're too big for me. I don't want to create a new waistband so I'm playing with the idea of making a belt for them with a faux paper bag waist. I'm scoffing at myself just thinking about it. The gray ones do have a drawstring, and POCKETS! I am stoked. Anyway, I will keep you all updated on these bad boys. And now for the fuchsia top that I got from No.

It's brighter in person but this is the best I could do!

On another note, we started doing the second coat on our walls tonight and it took about .5 seconds for roomie and I to become irritable little grumps. The paint is going on weird, the first coat and the white wall are still showing through, and we have a fraction of the energy we had yesterday. After two walls we stopped to see if maybe tomorrow it won't look as bad. If it does, we may have to call in backup. And by that I mean our dads. For now I'm going to rest my blistered and burning hands and hopefully go to sleep soon. It'll be a few days before I post again since I'm going to Sonoma for the weekend to spend some much needed time with my best friend! Adios all, have a good weekend, and be prepared for some good stuff when I get back.


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