
Tuesday Bluesday.

I opened at work today and I gotta say, I like it much more than closing. I don't actually mind waking up before the sun because once I'm up I'm up. Plus there's slightly less standing around in the morning than there is at night. I took some pictures from my bedroom window of what the morning looks like while I'm getting ready. It's one of my favorite color combinations.

I also took more awkward outfit pictures! This time in my kitchen. In a few months time you will have seen the entirety of my apartment via the reflection in the traveling mirror.

I have to stand incredibly still when I take these pictures so as to avoid blurring. Do excuse the look of constipation on my face.
Wearing: H&M Lace Blouse, F21 "Voulez Vous" Lion shirt (I'll take a picture of it later so you know what the heck I'm talking about), Thrifted Plaid Button Up, O'Neil Green Canvas Jacket, Target Jeggings, BCBGeneration Boots. I also threw on my black knit scarf from H&M and took a "with scarf" picture but it is just too silly to post.

Close-Up of boots.

One of the first things you learn while living in the city is how to layer your clothes like a pro. The weather can change drastically every few hours and if you don't have the convenience of a portable closet, you'll need to go from cold to hot and back again with ease. Something I will add to this rule is this: try to avoid creating outfits that are dependent on one piece. For instance, my green jacket above. I have the option of taking that off should I get too warm, and the remaining outfit is just as functional/stylin'. However, I have other outfits that include that jacket that depend on me wearing it for the outfit to function/make sense/remain stylin'. Sometimes it's not possible to create a four layer outfit made up of wholly independent pieces. But as the weather begins to warm up, this skill becomes more and more important, as the mornings are still frigid while the day time hours are hot hot hot.  

In fact, adjusting clothing to the weather is so important to me, it's one of the reasons my roommate and I decided not to move from our current location right off campus to the Sunset district. Having your dorm/apartment/house a short walk away from you at all times is beyond convenient when suddenly the weather jumps up 20 degrees and you're in your snow gear. While that may seem shallow to some of you who don't reside in the city, I'm sure some of you others understand. I have got to be comfortable or else my entire day is thrown off, and my comfortability depends heavily on what I'm wearing. I'm thinking I'll do a post about the basics to layering in the near future, especially since Spring is fast approaching.  

I have to get off to class but I have a post planned for later and it involves pretty things! Later.


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