
Hello Gorgeous Pt 2.

Alice and Olivia ankle boots.
Image via The Glamourai.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why it is these beauties are gracing my page with their presence. If it's not immediately apparent, then I don't know what to tell you. As far as The Glamourai goes, if you haven't checked her out already do it now. She's a definite inspiration of mine. She's a stylist, an interior designer, and a jewelry designer/maker. Sound familiar? It sounds a lot to me like something I would love to do. And on top of all that her personal style is amazing. 

In other news, it turns out we do in fact have an iron! What do you know! This just made my life that much easier. I checked my glue samples today and unfortunately the glue leaves the fabric looking wet and feeling quite stiff. But the coral pants (now shorts) are lined. So I'm thinking that instead of fully hemming them, I'll glue the lining and do a few hook stitches to secure the top fabric to the lining, then press it for a crisp edge. This should work, and if it doesn't, the mistakes won't be visible. 

As far as the gray trousers go, I still haven't decided what their fate will be. I love them as pants. Perhaps that's how they'll stay for now, until the wind blows me a new direction. If I can get my butt up out of this chair, perhaps I'll finish the shorts tonight. That is not lookin too likely, but a girl can dream.


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